- Grace Kelly, 1954 Academy Awards
We've belittled, criticized, scoffed at, and been sickened by the excess of celebrity - Our first Oscar party was about foods you're ashamed of, but eat anyway - so now I've thought a twist would be useful...and maybe even inspirational to us all...the foods you're most grateful for and who introduced them to you...
This year I'm turning the Oscar party into the Culinary Oscar Party - now known as the Culinoscarpies 07. (I know that sounds like an unpleasant medical exam...but this is the country where two political parties, the conservatives and the reform party merged and no one caught their new name before it was made public...no one...caught this: the Conservative Reform Alliance Party - I'm not kidding...they pulled it within a day...)
So I'm going to invite any food blogger and reader and friend who wishes to...to write an acceptance speech - thanking whoever they like for the foods they're most grateful for. Recipes encouraged of course.
Steve has already added the first in the race for the best:
"I ate these chocolate chip cookies because, they like me...they really, really like me."
The Oscars are February 25th...
I'm tagging a few favourite people to get started, and some people I think would salivate at the thought of an acceptance speech about food: Annie, Kristen, Julie, Matt, Adam, Melissa (the first meme I replied to as a neophyte blogger), Shauna, of course Kate, and Meg (although she's on holiday this week)...You're all my daily bread (gluten free, of course, Shauna).
*The picture at the top is actually Grace Kelly in a champagne ad...how perfect! It's from here.
Sounds good! It's hard to think of stuff to write about in January, so this is particularly helpful!
Woohoo...I'll bet you could come up with more than one...
“If I hadn’t eaten the spinach and oyster salad I created I wouldn’t have been able to do those one arm push ups.”
It is important that I thank not only my older brother Gerry, but also my Mother and Father for moving to Brazil and leaving myself and Gerry to look after the house when I was 18. Due to the lack of available and willing chefs we were forced to learn how to cook (we are thinking of doing this to our own 17 year old son as a form of "culinary tough love" as soon as we get the air miles). This was the point when my brother Gerry showed me how to make my first complete dinner that could be used to impress a new girlfriend or even her parents...once. Just ask Jain.
I still make this if I am feeling particularly sorry for myself.
The Show:
Frying pan
Vegetable peeler
The Throw:
Egg Noodles
4 or 8 Chicken Thighs
1 Can of Condensed Tomato Soup
Raw Carrots
Raw Green Beans
The Prestige:
Brown the Thighs on both sides for 5 minutes. Mix 1/2 can of water with the condensed soup (feel free to throw in various things like Basil etc...we always did) and pour over the thighs. Cover. Turn after simmering for 10 minutes and continue simmering for a further 10 minutes.
Peel the carrots and "top and tail" the beans (you're serving them raw so cut them to finger size.)
Make the egg noodles.
Serve together, with the sauce(?) poured over the noodles.
Sound terrible? Not if you're 18 and hungry. Impressive? You bet if you're 18 and hungry!
OK, I'm working on it....
Donuts. Homemade by my grandmother. Our family used to go on long trips to visit my grandparents in Quebec and while we were there she would make fabulous soups, tourtierre, brown sugar pie,ummm. There were 5 kids and when we were about to leave to do the long trek back she would give us each something. She gave my older brother money and I'm not sure what she gave the younger three but to me she always gave a small bag of homemade donuts, covered in icing sugar. I guarded those donuts and while sitting quietly in the backseat of the car I would try and eat as many as I could before one of my siblings would let the others know what I had and I would be forced to share. Donuts, they always make me feel special, loved.
I like Andrew's "culinary tough love". Andrew, my boyfriend's mom and even my own mom used to freeze a month's worth of food for their respective sons whenever they went away on holiday. Bf's mom even used had little notes on each frozen meal, eg. "Good with potatoes", "Will feed 2".
This is my ode to the watermelon:
And further to add to the watermelon's glory:
Watermelon --it's a good fruit. You eat, you drink, you wash your face.
-Enrico Caruso
Hey, I know I haven't commented on this yet, but I have a plan in place -- all will be revealed soon!
Checkout my posting from today - feb. 24th...I have revealed my clogged heart.
I’m not sure whether we’re praising the food or thanking the people who introduced us to it. If it’s the food we’re praising, well my my, we could be here for a very long time. The band would be playing furiously and I’d be unceremoniously yanked off the stage. “No Oscar for you!” So, first I’d like to thank Nicky, for her amazing and inspirational food blog and then I’d like to thank the Sproule family.
When I was 15 I moved off the farm and into town to live with my best friend’s family for the school year. That year changed my life in a lot of ways, but perhaps most importantly it introduced me to a world of food that was beyond my imagination. My father was a meat ‘n potatoes kinda’ guy; consequently, so was his family. Occasionally if my father worked late, my mother would throw some dried spaghetti in 1 pot and canned tomato sauce in another with some French’s dehydrated spaghetti sauce mix added for flavour. Mom was big into dehydrated. Then Kraft Parmesan cheese, in the green shaker canister, topped the whole thing off. Delightful. Another favourite when dad wasn’t home was fishsticks. Hail Captain High Liner.
When I moved in with Jennifer, curries & stirfries & stroganoffs & paellas made from scratch & fish that wasn’t shaped like a Mars bar covered in crumbs would arrive on the dining table. Fresh garlic and spices and olive oil and herbs! I felt like I’d come alive. The flavours were creamy & sensuous and lively & fresh and unlike anything I’d ever tasted.
And we ate out too! KFC dining was replaced by Jeff Purveys Seafood Restaurant. What an adventure. That’s where I met my first lobster. My greatest food passion, simply steamed lobster, started there. No butter, no sauce. Just naked, absolutely fresh, steamed lobster… and a bib. Okay, now that I’m older, there’s nothing like a Sancerre to go with it. But that’s it.
Thank you Jennifer Sproule… and family.
I have to do the emcee thing here and interject that I have actually seen Lauren take on a lobster. I've seen her take on and defeat more than one lobster at a sitting. You should know she's a wee little thing with the energy of a turbine farm - without the hot air.
Thanks Lauren...I hope the Sproule's know the rescue mission they performed.
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